March 2023 – New Website – The HOA has a new website to support  ongoing communication to the membership and residents! We are gradually adding more information each day and appreciate your patience as we make a website that supports our community!

The Entertainment Committee now holds DBPR-approved Food Handlers Certificates! This valuable knowledge will ensure that HOA events involving food will produce consistent, good quality food that aligns with the best food safety standards.

April 2023 – New Newsletter – The HOA newsletter is in the works and the May edition is coming May 1st! We are gradually adding more articles and beneficial information that supports our community! We will have different formats of the newsletter to meet the needs of everyone!

May 2023 – The HOA Newsletter is here!

To submit an article or a business ad, please email the article or ad information to the Communications Committee by the 15th of the current month for the following month’s newsletter.

Important – Any resident who has a business and seeks to advertise should provide the following information:
business name, contact name, phone, email, social media information (as applicable), product or service offered, and business slogan (as applicable). Remember the goal is to communicate to fellow residents what products and services are available in the community!

Have suggestions for new content or perhaps an article for the newsletter? Share your ideas and thoughts with us by submitting your feedback using the form below!

Please tell us what you like / don't like about the communication effort we have been making and the HOA newsletter.