Yes, any resident of Rolling Greens Village can join the Homeowners Association. Membership costs $25 per year. To build up the legal reserve fund, $10 (40%) of the membership dues is allocated to that restricted fund. 

There are many benefits to being an HOA member! Experiencing a sense of community, participating in HOA-sponsored fundraisers, events, social gatherings, and more increases the level of interaction between residents. Ticket prices for HOA-sponsored events are less expensive for HOA members than non-members! Information is shared at monthly HOA membership meetings, keeping residents informed  of events, understanding changes in the park rules and regulations, rental agreement negotiations, and the ability for each HOA household to vote on important motions impacting all residents. 

An HOA works to assist residents in the community  experience quality of life and enjoyment. Rolling Greens Village is a mobile home park and the residents are tenants who own their homes and pay lot rent. This means there is a relationship between the resident homeowner and the park manager. The HOA is a valuable resource that provides valuable information to the homeowner regarding their rights and responsibilities while living in the community. 

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Living in a community means that issues will arise from time to time. Maybe a streetlight is not working or a pothole in the street is getting bigger. Your Area Director can show you the form that should be filled out and taken to the park manager to get the issue addressed. If a homeowner feels the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, the Area Director can bring the concern to the Board of Directors for review.

The Bylaws is a document that governs the activities of the HOA and all members should be familiar with the details and terms provided. This document spells out what HOA members can expect from the HOA Board of Directors, member meeting details, how voting by the membership  will take place, and expected behavior and conduct for those in attendance of HOA member meetings. In addition, the roles and responsibilities of board members, and the goal and purpose of various committees are also detailed.

These are mostly Feral Cats.  Feral cats are often found in areas where they can have access to food and shelter (like here at Rolling Greens Village).
Feral cats that have been neutered and returned are actually a benefit to their community to keep the rodent and snake population down.
For more information about TNR (Trap Neuter Release)  visit: