
See the list of meetings and view all meetings on the calendar for planning ahead! 


Explore all of the upcoming HOA events on the calendar! Open to all residents!


Access important documents here.

HOA Info Channel is also available in the Community Center! Get the latest information and communication to stay informed!

Please tell us what you like / don't like about the communication effort we have been making and the HOA newsletter.

The Entertainment Committee is seeking volunteers to help with HOA events (breakfasts, dinners, etc.) – Specifically we need assistance with food prep, cooking, overall event prep, table setting, and folks who can assist with lifting and organizing.  Please consider supporting the HOA and all of the residents who enjoy these events by volunteering using the form below!! Thank you!

P.S. All folks who work the event eat for free, compliments of the HOA.

Contact Us

For specific concerns, suggestions, or questions, please use the “Email Us” form to the right.

  • Rolling Greens Homeowners Assoc. of Ocala, Inc.
    1901 E. Silver Springs Blvd #1065
    Ocala, FL 34470

Email Us

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